Aftercare Advice for Scalp Micropigmentation Clients

Scalp micropigmentation aftercare is an essential part of ensuring that the treatment is effective and free from complications. The specialist who performs the treatment should give you a full run-down of how to take care of your head in the weeks afterwards. However, it’s helpful to know what will happen before booking an appointment. We’ve…

The Norwood Scale

The Norwood Scale visualizes male pattern baldness, showing the seven stages one may experience in their hair loss journey. It measures the severity and patterns in which you lose your hair, so it gives hair loss specialists a barometer to determine the best course of action in determining what type of treatment would be best…

From Barber to Scalp Micropigmentation Artist

There are millions of hairstylists and barbers worldwide. Being a barber is not hard, but being a good barber generally takes years to achieve. Barbers make as much money as they want to make; the more work, effort, and research they put in, the more they will get out of it. They need to stay…